The home try on is a unique experience with David Kind.
You'll request a home try-on set by selecting three pairs you like, add a photo, and answer a few questions on your preferences and prescription. A real optician uses that information to select three more for you based on your preferences, facial dimensions, and color notes. They'll write you a note detailing why they selected specific frames in your set. You'll receive the home try-on set by USPS or UPS within a few days - and can keep the set for up to six days.
We encourage you to ask your optician questions around fit, or how your prescription will work with a frame. Or send a photo and ask their professional opinion on how a frame looks on. We love to give honest feedback to help you make your decision.
Place your order online any time. You'll receive your glasses with your prescription within 5-10 business days.
Still deciding or want to try more frames on? Enter your feedback on size, shape, color and fit via your online account profile. Take your measurement photo and return the box via a prepaid label inside the box.
The styling fee for a home try-on is $20, but that cost is automatically applied to the purchase of a pair of glasses, so it will cost you nothing extra if you end up purchasing a pair within 90 days of your try-on. Shipping is free both ways. There is no obligation to buy.